Zakuro Rose (Fan Art Portfolio) Gloomy and Jolly

Gloomy and Jolly
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Hehehe. This is Rose once again. I sure like drawing her, don’t I? There’s backstory, yada yada yada, and now she sports two equally intense personalities: Jolly and Gloomy. I’ll let you guess who’s who while I ramble on and tell you later. Each of them represents one of the eight basic emotions, though the other personality has minor hints of it. Overall, Jolly is cheerful and childish while Gloomy is cold and serious. What binds them together is love. Most of the time, I just call her “Rose” and refer to neither one of the personalities. Gloomy is the one on the left while Jolly is the one on the right.

The skirt was a beast! It took me three days alone. And since her hair hides it and you would probably never notice, but the pupils are different for each of them: Jolly’s is normal while Gloomy’s is slit-like. Hehehe…pink…Didn’t know if it would work. I did have to make the jacket less hot pink, though. By the way, this is what’s meant by the “inside joke” in tiggerola's fanart.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Other than that, enjoy!

My portfolio and images contained in it are Copyright ©2009 Zakuro Rose. All rights reserved. All the materials contained in my portfolio may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, downloaded, or uploaded in any way without my express written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.

Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Art
gloomy, hakusho, jolly, rose, yu, yu yu hakusho, zakuro, zakuro rose
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