I updated Ryou's old reff. Nothing on him has changed, its just that the old reff is ugly XD I wanted to do a standard standing up side view reff, but my muse said I wasn't gonna do that ==' Anywho, my lovable lugg he is. The paw on the right was quickly done with a mouse, so ignore the anatomy XD
Ryousei is big sweet heart, hes Black Tail's mate <3 (http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/286968/ilu_%2526lt%253B3 this sums up their relationship XD ) He's protective of those he loves, but you really have to tick him off to get him going. He normally always has a grin of somesort. Hes about twice the size of a normal wolf ( BT and Ryou size comaparision is here http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/286965/back_off ) Hes EXTREMELY fluffy, and doesn't like to share his food. Hes very bulky with big paws and a broad muzzle. His paw pads are pink 8D (which I'll prolly forget everytime i draw him XD)
Ryousei (c) Me
koolaidguy made him for me <3