ShikamaruRocks (Fan Art Portfolio) long awaited kiss

long awaited kiss
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So, this is an image I had in my head for weeks and finally decided to draw about 2 weeks ago. This is of two of the main characters of my comic (which you can read the first couple of pages on this site) Artificial Hairband. The boy is the lead guitarist of the band. His name is Sean (stage name "Zombie"). And the girl is Jesse (short for Jesseka. Stage name "Spaz").

I'm probably not going to do much more of the comic. Mostly I'll be focusing on writing the book for of the story. I think it will come out better that way. Plus, I can always do some drawings, like this one.

Due to the fact that once I have more of the story written I will be posting it here, I don't want to say too many spoilers by explaining the pic more. Of course, the drawing is in itself sort of a spoiler, but oh well. lol.

I drew this with mechanical pencils in my sketch book and did shading and stuff. However, when I scanned it into my computer it looked awful so I inked it with some special little marker thingies I bought and then erased it. However, not all of the pencil marks when away so it's kinda smudgy in some places (like Sean's right shoe) which makes me all mopey. At some point I think I may do some shading and toning to it but I dunno. It looks a little boring as just line art.

Anywho, I'd love for feed back. You know, telling me that Sean's right thigh looks a little short, or Jesse's head's a little big. But, please be nice about it, ok? I'd love to improve my drawing skills. As such, I am finally beginning to use my deviantArt account under the name Spasch (I've had it for a few years now and just never used it). This is the only thing I've posted there, but I just thought I'd let y'all know about it.


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
, artificial hairband, jesse, kiss, sean, spaz, zombie
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1 member Favoritefavorite
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