Okidoki!! Firstly, a note... **** MY ARTWORK IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO STEAL!! SERIOUSLY!! LEAVE IT ALONE, OK??**** I cba putting a tag over it, so...
Just some characters for a manga I had an idea about... Maaaan, sorry this took so long, but with my show and all...also my little sister is typing this for me, I'm performing right now!! *SHE IS, I'M WASTING MY FREE TIME TYPING THIS UP!!*
Original sketch in pencil, lineart on Photoshop.
Sketch - listening to The Collings and Herrin Pocast
Lineart - Watching DNAngel and singing out-of-tune!!
If anyone can help me with names, I'd be grateful. I already have a few ideas, but I need more!
Ok, byeeeexxx