This is a picture of my Naruto character and Naruto. My character's name is Sarucuno.
It all started when someone on my Naruto website began to roleplay Naruto (despite me not really wanting her to) and said that he had a crush on my Naruto character. I was against it for a long time, but then finally gave up. So, here is the first SaruNaru picture that I have drawn.
I couldn't really get Sarucuno's face to look right, so this is the best i could do. Her hand also looks really weird, but Im not good at hands. I think Naruto's hands are the best hands I've ever drawn.
Reference: Picture I found on the internet (just searched Naruto and Sakura on Google Images)
Materials Used: Mechanical pencil, Inktense watercolor pencils
Comments and constructive criticism are highly appreciated