icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) The Gang

The Gang
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I was assigned this stupid project by my Social Studies teacher about the Bill of Rights. She actually let us go a bit creative with this one! So, I decided to make up some characters who will explain each amendment(in my words) and will be in a random pic that has to do with it. So, here they are:

Name:Justice Foral
Age:About 15
Hair:Messy,short, brown
Eye color: Blue
BackGround:Justice is a complete History/Geography whiz. She is pretty smart, but is REALLY smart when it comes to those two subjects. She is considered the leader of the group and is very confident. Unfortunately, Justice seems to have a bit of a temper when things don't go according to plan and is sometimes a bit way over her head.

Name:Liberty Lade
Age:About 15
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Light blue
Background:Liberty is considered second-in-command whenever something bad happens to Justice. Like her friend, Liberty is also smart, but her grades aren't as great as Justice's. Liberty is very athletic and enjoys deisgning things. She thinks that her brother has a crush on another boy and tries convincing the other boy to ask him out. Liberty is the captain of Raceway High's girls' basketball team and the goal keeper of the soccer team.

Name:Ryan Lade
Age:About 15
Hair color: Black with blue and red streaks
Background:Unlike his sister Liberty, Ryan isn't very confident and is rather shy. He's not as smart as Justice either, nor is he very athletic like Liberty, but he is very artistic. He's the 10th grade's 2nd chair alto saxaphone. Ryan is also in archery club with Haru. He's actually bi and amazingly, sometimes has romantic homosexual thoughts of him and Haru, sometimes they're with some girl.

Name:Haru Iwate
Age:About 15
Hair color: Black, dyed Blue
Eye color: Black
Background:Did I say Liberty was second-in-command? Actually, Haru is seccond-in-command. Haru is Justice and Libertys' Japanese and (even though he doesn't really look like it)gay friend. Like Justice, he's smart when it comes to History, but when it comes to other classes, he's not that great. Like Liberty, he's sort of athletic and is on Raceway High's Boys' Basketball team and is in archery blub with Ryan. Haru seems to have quite a crush on Ryan, but he doesn't really admit it, fearing he'll be the laughing stock of the entire 10th grade. Haru is also scared his dad might kick him out of the house.

Well, apparently Ryan and Haru won't really sound like they love eachother in my project because A.I have a feeling the teacher won't find that "appropriate for school" and B.A lot of the 7th graders(mainly the guys) CONSTANTLY make gay jokes -_- and I don't want my characters being the butt of some crude gay joke.

And this isn't exactly my usual drawing style(or is it?), but they'll be drawn this way all the time.

Personal Fan Art
friends, gang, haru, justice, liberty, project, ryan, stupid project
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