icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) Aranane-chan, New and Improved!

Aranane-chan, New and Improved!
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"Aranane! What did Ice do to you?!" "Ice! What the HECK were you thinkin' in that tiny brain of yours when you drew this?!" I know, I know, you guys all probably like the old Aranane better, but I felt like I just HAD to change her! Mostly because I lost interest in Naruto, aaand...I felt like she needed a bit of a touch-up. So, on with her new profile!

Name:Aranane Hidaki
Birthday:September 13
Hair color:Red
Eye color:Dark blue
Weapon:Fire&Thunder magic, katana(which she keeps in some sash-pouch thingy, which isn't in this pic)
Love interest:Riku
Personality:Rather bi-polar:She's usually either shy and quiet, serious and silent, loveable and spunky, tomboyish and slightly b!tchy or her own little, "F*CK OFF BEFORE I SHOVE MY KATANA UP YOUR @$$" personality :D
History:Aranane came from Amber Island(which is very far away from Destiny Island), she's the outcast of the island because of an incident that involved her mother. Her mom went psycho(because she was fusing with a demon) and killed many people. Aranane was one of the lucky girls who became a skilled fighter. When she was 15, she was brainwashed(temporarily) by the demon who fused with her(technically she has her mom's spirit in her). She snuck her way into a strange door and found herself in the realm of Darkness. She almost killed Riku, but the brainwashing effect stopped.

Er...I'm still working on the rest of her story, expect OD to be deleted. And a note to Banana-chan:I'm sorry, Yizue won't be in the manga! Forgive me! But don't worry, I'll make sure Miyuki will be in Soul of a Theif(my upcoming manga focusing mostly on Axami)!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
aranane, oc, revamp
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