Haruka Kanata (Fan Art Portfolio) Champions


Character designs for My pokemon manga. One of my dreams is to draw pokemon for the pokemon company. So any constructive criticism you might have, go ahead and "say" so I can improve. I need to practice drawing them because they will be appearing alot.

Ok, Now 2 things...1 is that these are only some of the pokemon in my manga....Buizel, Buneary, Togekiss and Drifloon are my pokemon in it, and Shaymin is traveling with us. The other pokemon I have in it are Eevee and Riolu. Some will mostly all of them will evolve later on except Eevee, who has a "condition" ....

Ok, now the second thing...Their names and genders....Starting from the top right.

Togekiss (the one with wings and red and blue triangles for those of you who are unfamiliar) Is named Moo moo and is a boy.

The next is Shaymin (The green hedgehog with pink flowers) Is just called Shaymin since he is not officially my pokemon, also he has no gender but I just call it a "him".

Then we have Drifloon (The purple balloon with a yellow X) His name is Yellow moon and is a boy.

After that we have Buneary (The brownish pink rabbit) and her name is Stucky and is a girl.(For those of you who are familiar with Hamtaro will know where I got the name)

And last we have my first pokemon: Buizel (the only orange one on the page) and his name is Sumomo and is a boy.

Ok...this was my first time drawing Togekiss, second time drawing Shaymin,and my billionth try drawing Buizel, Drifloon and Buneary.

This is the best picture of drawing Buizel,Buneary and Drifloon...

Pokemon Fan Art
buizel, buneary, dirfloon, moo moo, shaymin, stucky, sumomo, togekiss, yellow moon
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