Sorry I haven't posted anything in so long!!! DX
My last one was like, what, last day of February???
Eheheheheh...that artist block was annoying... ^^"
Anyway, well, here's my latest artwork!
And I must say, this must be my bestest work yet! 8D
Compared to most of my other works, they seem like nothing to this one... ^^"
IDK, what do you guys think? Best for opinions from your viewers as well. ^^
So yeah, this picture here you can say is also my salute to welcome the season of the lovely blossoming flowers. ^^
But, this was also really for my French project where I had to advertise for some product I made up. O_<
A perfume more specifically.
I called it "Fair Maiden." Made to "attain the wonderful scent of nature. Ingredients made commonly of Japanese flowers. Only $24.99."
Got an A+! ^^
My classmates were veeeery surprised of my artwork though. XD
...........This was Ike-kun's request! XD
Ike: GAH, Nadeshiko!! O_o *tries to block that*
Yeah it was. I didn't think you'd think of me like this so much. ^^
But that makes me happy because then I know how much you love me. ^^
Ike: *blush (XD)* Okay, okay, moving on... Tell them of the description and all...
Sure thing~! ^^
Ike: ........
So as I was saying, this picture was technially to which was under Ike-kun's imagination I suppose. ^^
Ike: *blush is a brighter shade of red (AWWW~! xD)* Cut it. Okay, yeah. It's kinda as to what she says too... The dress she did herself.
Nade: With help of his description of course. ^^
Ike: GAH!!! *tries to block*
As I was SAYING... XD
The dress somewhat provided by Ike-kun (^^) was actually fun to draw. ^^ Especially the way it flows downwards.
And the flowers, OMG, the FLOWERS! XD
Those took a while to draw and ink in. @_@
Coloring was a little difficult since I couldn't tell which were the leaves and which were the flowers then.
But now it looks so awesome! XD
Jewels and all, kinda difficult since they were pretty small. But they worked out well. =]
Then add in the background and all, and VOILA!!! 8D
Nade: Who'da thought Ike-kun had such imagination about me? ^^
Ike: OKAY! That's enough! O_O
Nade: Okay, I'd better run before Ike-kun tackles meeee--!
Ike: *Nadeshiko's in my arms* Too late. =]
Time of work: 3~4 hours
Nadeshiko (c) smartanimegirl
Inspiration of imagery (c) Ike-kun (under account smartanimegirl too)