aragorn1014 (Fan Art Portfolio) Shrouded in Darkness

Shrouded in Darkness
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HIGH RESOLUTION if you please!<3
It's about time I submitted something! xDD 3 more piccys are in progress you guys, bear with me!

A canon(ish) character! xD Cloud Strife!<3
I'm seeing sooo much art of Roxas and Axel, I thought I could change things up a bit~ it's really nice to see more canon art of Kingdom Hearts though, really! ^^

Well first off, I want to thank Cherri-chan(Cherryshock) for inspiring me to try and work a bit more with OpenCanvas. This piccy was actually a pretty old sketch that I drew a while ago(NO REFERENCES! YEAH) that I decided to randomly color after being inspired by one of Cherri-chan's piccys! Go check out her portfolio now, you guys! You'll be amazed for sure! *nods*

And second off this is my first time ACTUALLY coloring in Opencanvas(with semi-rushed coloring, at that), so please forgive me for terribleness on coloring xD I attempted The Great Maw as a background because that place is the 2 maps before the Dark Depths, where Cloud and Sephiroth meet.
It's actually quite a random idea I came up with LOL but it worked out nicely against the dark colors ^^

This description will stay short xD So I don't turn it into a huge essay~ Anyways, enjoy everyone!

Sketched first in pencil on regular paper
Colored and done completely in OpenCanvas 1.1

Cloud and Kingdom Hearts(c)Square Enix

I hope you guys like it!! Views/hugs/faves/comments would be great<3(if you like it, that is xD) Take care!

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
aragorn1014, cloud, darkness, hollow bastion, kingdom hearts, opencanvas, square enix, strife
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