This is another one of my OCs from Alice. FINALLY! Finally I have drawn her RIGHT! ^ ^ I had to use a BILLION pictures of Kikuri for reference. Because I just realized how adorable Kikuri is! She's like "BRROOM! VRRROOOOM!!" Because she's on....I think it's a tricycle, in Mitsuganae. Anyways, Tsukiki R. is based off of Kikuri and her childishness. Not her creepy-ness, though! I shivered when Kikuri commanded to give Yuzuki the Chihuahua she was holding to her so she could it eat....yeah...Tsukiki doesn't eat dogs.
She's going to be JUST as annoying! ^ ^
Oi! Tsukiki is Smith R.'s daughter. They look alike, but Tsukiki has a slight resemblance to Alice, so she thinks that Alice is her mom, and so does Alice. Of course she's not, but they're just confused. I mean, who could be her mother!? Smith R. is too shy anything...y'know what I mean!
Anyways, 'tis my character. I hope you like her. She does look like a bunny, right?