I drew this picture back in the 7th grade...and that was....4 years ago.
And i stilil now even remember the back story to this little mary sue story of mine.
I post this cuz 1. i was forced. 2. to give a little message.
You dont have to have talent to become a good artist and i think that this picture is a perfect example of this. If you cant tell, i am a lot better than how i was when i was....13.
(which is sad in my opinion because i know soooo many ppl that age now and are sooooooo much better than how i was...and i must admit its kinda depressing.)
I believe that if you really really want to be able to draw and have a passion for drawing, you can become a great artist with a lot of practice.
On another note, if you are talented at drawing please stop your bitching because so many of us have to work our asses off to get to where we are now.
And if you arent that great stop your bitching and actually put some effort into your art.
Because even now i still dont think im a really good artist in any way what so ever but i keep working at it.
In my opinion if you arent at least as good as me you either dont have as much experience as i do or your not trying hard enough, because again, im not that great!
So keep trying ppl!!