OoAnBuOo (Fan Art Portfolio) Arigatou!

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Good day today!
This pic is especially dedicated for the 61 members for NbS. I hope you like the pic.
It shows nearly everyone with an important role, only Ma-chans "parents" miss. Originally it was planned to include them as well, but then I thought it would be too much since I drew them a little bit bigger than anticipated. Nevertheless, I´m kinda happy with the outcome. I really do like Ruka. She´s so beautiful...XD...And I like her outfit! But Ma-chan is cute as well. And Sensei did turn out okay, too, like Yu-kun did.The other two women are okay, too. But I guess Aramins pose is kinda strange...
Maybe you noticed that everyone except Mirai has a rose. i planned on giving her one, too, but since she has red hair I thought it would be too much red on her. And since I had decided that every rose in there had to be red she was left without a rose. Sorry, Mirai!
Maybe someone (who read the manda so far)wondered about the fact Sensei being in the pic since I said there would be important persons...Although he only appeared on 5 pages or so he´s very important. You´ll recognize when the story goes on. Well, that means when you´re interested only...
Please enjoy and comment the pic!

Personal Fan Art
anbu, aramin, arigatou, boys, girls, makoto, mirai, nbs, personal, prince, princess, roses, ruka, sensei, takizawa, yuiji
14 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
PrincessBelle18 miableachgirl sakura dancer Naomi Bear supersaiyanjounin NejixWrathLover RabiXExorcist drake who cant fi Tamster224 moonlit dream
Member Dedication
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