reirei18 (Fan Art Portfolio) Good vs Evil

Good vs Evil
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*scan and post* too lazy to edit..

i finally finished it.. lol... i was scared that the scanner might add some extra extra again but good thing it didnt..

as for this piece, im pretty much satisfied on how this came out.. oh i should be...... i put so much effort in every strand of their hairs.. lol... but its not as convincing as my other hairs.. *sigh* oh well.. XD

my entry for the contest on DA will be the colored one.. u know how much of a procrastinator i am so the colored version will take some time before i bother myself with this again.. besides, the deadline is still far (may19?) compared to the other deadlines im about to meet.. >x<"

so yeh.. anyway, i hope u like it.. the concept is just as the title says.. it might not be as clear as i want to express it coz of the complicated hairdo of those 2 on the side.. but im gonna work it out on the colored version..

WIP in here

recorded 5 minutes of shading

hugs.. favs.. comments... thanks..~! *^^*

mechanical pencil 0.7

The Link, Rei, The Mistress (c) reirei18 / The Link / 2009

if u read my manga, u'll understand it better.. oh no wait, im not even there yet.. lol..

*good night*

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
manga, oc, rei, reirei18, the link
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