Well, Here's the picture I was talking on my last entry. I drew it on paper first and took a picture of it with a digital camera but it turned out pretty crappy. So I put it through MS paint and played with the colors to add values. (Sorry if there's little bits of gray at the ends. That was the paper. -_-) I really hope I win. My mom said she'll take me to New York City ONLY if I win. The last time she took me to a con, she hated it. She didn't know what the hell was going on. All she knew was that some crazy kids in long black robes were taking pictures of me in my Sakura cosplay. Then she and my dad were in the Showing room and saw a guy in pink skinny jeans and almost died. This was at my local con which is somewhere near Buffalo, NY, but it was cancelled last year because of a blizzard and they couldn't get it running this year. I feel Con deprived for those who have sympathy.
edisshort (Fan Art Portfolio) The "Big" Apple
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- Created
- 04/23/09
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- apple, girl, new york, new york city, nyaf, sailor fuku
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- New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest
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