Rooren (Fan Art Portfolio) Ishinomori Asame

Ishinomori Asame
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Oh hohohoho,

I bet your all like : " Omg you made a ref! Of one of your characters no less!"

Yes, I did :3
I relize I dun talk about my characters much, nor do I have a proper ref for any of them.

Gosh I worked hard on this Dx!
I better get some comments on it.... I kid I kid...

Well this little baby is Asame, my Shaman King OC. And If any of you are Mankin fans like me you would know they are reprinting the manga and whatnot... ~Squeel~ Me and my buddy Lulu are sooo excted about it.

Anyways. Tme to Talk about Asame!
Asame: Finally....

Name- Asame Ishinomori
Ethnicy- Japanese [Shaman]
height- 4'11
weight- 90 lbs
Personality- In one word, Asame is a bitch. She is always negative to others and always rearks to something negativly. She can get angry over the smallest of subjects and denies everything, even the truh.
Bio/History-- Asame was iving her life normally until her american cousin came to live with her, and with that she discovered the existant of spirits. One day on the way o school, they went into a cemetary and Asame met her little annoyance Namindo. Fro that point onshe travled with her cousin and older sister ,Ashuri, to help Derr [Her cousin] become Shaman King. She met Yoh and all the other main characters of Shaman King and then him, Hao. That's when she began to learn about her family's secret. Which is the mystrious connection to Asakura clan. The connection has something to do with an Ishinomori female who is chosen by Hao to accompany him during the Shaman Tournament. And if you are thinking Asame, you guessed right...And wrong. Asame and Hao start to grow closer, but Asame can't stand Hao, hates him actually. That's the more comical part of this story.

That's the basic staory for Asame in Shaman King. I R proud of me :3.
Asame is mah fav OC right now, and my oc with the most developed story. I might have more up on it iof I ever do refs for other Mankin Oc's. I know its stupid so no flamming yo! And the little yellow thing is Namindo, Asame spirit. The round thing is her weapon. A hulahoop known as the Aenowa.

Also Asame is just a junior high school student. Her family is rich and her mother is insane...really....

Yay me....

Art©Lauren(Me) =Rooren-Chan
Asame, Namindo and her story © Lauren Laconsay
Shaman King and all the characters © Hiroyuki Takei


Things used
Medium: Digital
Program:Adobe Photoshop 3.0/5.0 elements and Wacom Tablet, And Sai Paint Program
Time: 5 hours

Shaman King Fan Art
asame, king, oc, shaman
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