For the NYAF mascot contest.
The three characters:
Omnom the Tyrannical
Steve the Taxigamer
Verity the True Fan
I originally had Steve be more "nerdy", like he wore a typical Japanese high school uniform and had different hair, but I decided (at the suggestion of my peers) to change his hair and overall appearance to be more "lax" and "cool"...
He's playing some kind of handheld device... It was originally supposed to like, read a monster card and that's where Omnom came from...
Verity well, from her pose and her crown, she's based off the statue of liberty (originally blonde hair) her tome is the popular "weekly bump" (take a guess what that's based off of... XD ) and her favourite snack? Poki! XD
I originally wanted to use the logo in the design but there was a rule saying no 3rd party images... so to be safe i didn't use it... :/
There's also a lighting scheme to the lettering. The letters, "N"ew "Y"ork... and Ja"c"ob. are yellow. Heh... I was trying to find another word to highlight like, "Fan" or "fun"...
Lineart: Sakura micron pens
Coloring: Adobe PS CS4 with Wacom Intuos3