yes... this is a BOY ^.^""" and yes he has something on under the covers -.- (ppl have been asking me about it thats why i say it lol)
XD i usualy don't draw things like this... but i had no idea what to draw and I was thinking of somthing i had never drawn and thought... well someone sleeping... so this is how it turned out ^.^ and I'm proud of it! I'm not use to making wrinkles of shading so I think I did a fair part on it >< it's not perfect.... but it's good enough for me! (the scanner killed some of the shading ><)
one of my friends said that it reminded her of Yuki... but I'm not gonna call him Yuki because he's in my scetch book and in my sketch book I only draw made up characters of my own ^.^ But I had no idea what to put for the Title... so i took it from a song that i like ^.^
Dream a Dream by Captain Jack