Yes....Well....If one can't make fun of one's self, right?
This was a smeargle card that I have. I was lookin at it and was all like "Hey...I should draw that!" So I did. There was a smiley face in the background and I did not want to add it. But I did need to add something...So I drew my face to give it some originality. Then I was like "It looks like Smeargle is turning around like he has been caught at something." So I drew a mustache and big eyebrows on my face like Smeargle had drawn them on. I think its pretty funny. XD I'm not so good at drawing Smeargles though...All well, I'll just have to get better at that, wont I?
ATTENTION!!! I is also holdin's a contest!!!!
Real simple....Draw me. Thats it....ish....The details are in my "New contest world" If anyone is inter-ma-rested