OMG! O_o I didn't expect to draw a anime human before!! This is Awesome and its drowning in awesomeness! But really, I DID NOT EXPECT IT, and it acually did happen! HOLY CRAP! I'm so amazed and happy.
The Mascot hedgehog is now GREEN! and anthropomorphic. I said I might be changing the color soon. The human looks like a WALL-E human sorta. His Wonderful. Well, I also need to come up with a name for the mascot. The humans name is MIZU it means water in Japanese (help from lunesoldier20). But right now I'm not sure of the main main MAIN character that I told you about, because I'm not sure if I should create him or not. Because you know, eh, I don't feel like it... 8D
Comments Plz!
~Arctic Summer