Sage of Magic (Fan Art Portfolio) FluteCat

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This is, what I consider, my best work to date. I created it a little over a year ago and it was featured in a minor gallery. I wish I could get a better picture, but as of now this is all I can manage.

Flutecat is just as the name implies, a flute with the head of a cat. The cat's head was referenced off a purse my friend bought in Japan. The flute was referenced off my own flute. Despite being twisted in a dragon-like fashion all the keys, screws, and bars are all accurate (meaning I didn't fudge and add extra or place more keys in certain areas you wouldn't find on a flute). The only thing I did do was stretch the keys to form paws and added one bar for the 'necklace' that holds flat notes. The purse I modified to have screws on the face as well as a sharp note and key like mouth. Catflute supports itself on a musical staff which has correct musical sheet timing (yes, I went through each section to make sure the correct number of beats were present. This song does not exist to my knowledge though and I don't know how it'd sound)

Time it took: forever. That's seriously all you need to know. Light reflecting off of metal, especially twisted metal, is not easy.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
cat, flute, graphite
8 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
kittens 3 saki 1234 shizuka101
Member Dedication
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