foxfireburn (Fan Art Portfolio) Body & Head Construction-Male

Body & Head Construction-Male
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I don't know if this helps, but...

These are just a few examples on how I construct male bodies and map out a characters face. They're the basic lines you draw in a circle or oval shape to help you place the eyes and nose and other features. I use simple shapes to form arms, legs and torso's. You can see some oval shapes I drew in the bodies and I left in the lines I used in the faces. Guys obviously have less curves in the waist than girls, so you might want to lean toward drawing a square shape for a guy's waist.

Mistakes can happen when drawing a figure, so draw lightly, it will be much easier to erase. Try and use the flowing action of your wrist when drawing hair and the simple shapes, and don't hold the pencil too tight. Relax your hand.

If you have trouble putting a character into a certain pose, you could always ask someone to model for you, or if that's awkward you could pose yourself infront of a mirror and bit by bit draw how you see yourself. Sometimes a bathroom is best for this, make sure to lock the door so no one walks in on you!

I know the use of simple shapes thing seems like a hassle since you want your work to look great fast, but the more you practice with such techniques, the better your work will come out. ....i should know, i used to start a character by drawing the hair first! they weren't too good... 0_0

These are just my opinions, so you don't have to follow everything i've mentioned by heart, it's best to find your own style of drawing, something that's comfortable to you. This is just what helped me out the most.

Make sure to practice when you have time to. That's the best way to improve your skills.

....yeah, the profile in the right corner is dbz inspired...

Personal Fan Art
body construction, foxfireburn, head construction
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