icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) Weeaboo Fangirls

Weeaboo Fangirls
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Weeaboo Fangirl(Who we'll just call Pinky):OMFG! Yaoi yaoi Naruto yaoi!
Ice(ME~):Y'know, you're REALLY not helping out the yaoi community.

If you don't want to read a whole rant, I reccomend you skip the rant.

Of course, we all(if not, most of us)know I have given into yaoi. I'm into it, I like some nice IkexMarth or some good RoyxPit(yes, I know RoyxPit is rather cracky, considering that they're from different games AND Roy is in Melee and Pit is in Brawl, but I. DO NOT. CARE). I even like some cute StanxKyle or CraigxClyde(from South Park...yes South Park slash exists! There's plenty on DA!)

Now, as many of you may know, sometimes yaoi fangirl is a subspecie of "weeaboo/japanglish/whatever you call it" For the love of all that is right, weeaboos who love yaoi, QUIT ABUSING JAPANESE TERMS! You're making the yaoi community look even worse! We get flamed enough already, we don't need more!

And people bashing ALL OF US, please stop! Not all yaoi fangirls are annoying/weeaboos. I really agree with the yaoi fan side(the more smarter fans), and I do kinda agree w/ those who aren't into it(the ones who aren't rude), but there are some stuff I'm not too sure on. One random example, mpreg:Those who talk about yaoi say it's not right since men can't even have babies. Then there's the yaoi side, who says it's fanFICTION, FICTION, so we CAN let males have babies if we want.

Ok, I guess I'm leaning more toward the yaoi side, considering the fact I myself have made yaoi mpreg-born children(IkexMarth and RoyxPit children), I just don't think some pairings should have the uke pregnant and have babies, that's all. Er, anyway, not all yaoi fans are weeaboos or crazy. Not all of us yaoi fans are some crazy japanglish person, or some b!tchy fangirl who shoves yaoi in the faces of others.

So, let's just all get along and stop the craziness, ok? And for the record, to those people who want to say, "Ice, WHY?!" I'm still the same Ice! I just like yaoi, and to those who might call me a hypocrite, let me say this. I KNOW I sometimes call my fellow otakuites, "______-chan" or "_____-san" or something like that. Sure, I'm using honourables, but that's not anything MAJOR. MAJOR japanese abuse would be someone using SO MUCH Japanese terms in their sentences people who don't know Japanese have no idea what you're saying.

So, yeah, Pinky is representing the weeaboo yaoi fangirl, and I'm supposed to be representing the smarter fangirl. Sorry you guys had to read all that, I was in a mood for picking at weeaboos.

Personal Fan Art
fangirl, ice, japanglish, weeaboo
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1 member Favoritefavorite
Ellenor Mererid
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