The Light’s Last Show
In here there is nothing shining,
Yet there is a visible light,
Although this light is not blinding,
It’s also a sign of what is right,
Wrapped in the darkness in its spite,
The dark put out its misery,
The light did not put up a fight,
And it cried; it was history.
The darkness; place of forsaken,
Had enclosed the light’s very soul,
That light was completely taken,
And its corpse was thrown down a hole,
The body lay burning on coal,
But soon the light was forgotten,
And the darkness had all control,
That light would never show again.
Yeah...umm....I wrote that poem, and illustrated it with this pircure for an English Poetry Project that was due today (or next Monday XD)
I LOVE poetry!
I have 3 others that I might post up too... ^^'
Umm, enjoy?
-Take Care!~