Markus wolfe (Fan Art Portfolio) Challenge Submission: Love of a Madman

Challenge Submission:  Love of a Madman

Somewhere on the other side of the internet, SandLover13 is screaming "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE CONTESTS!" This looked way better in PNG format. And the gore was necessary. Honest.

I was originally going to have the entire group slaughtered by a young Okuri (if all of your fan characters were to get in an unrestrained fight where they could not be saved by plot, YOU should know who would come away the winner.) "Hey, Gaara, got rid of your crutch for ya." "Thanks."

But then I began to wonder to myself: How would a man who didn't really understand what love is (specifically Gaara) try to show his love for a woman and convince her to return his feelings? Clearly, his understanding of courtship and pre-courtship practices is limited. He knows that other suitors (little green headed fella named Shingo) must be driven off, but he does not know that he can (and probably should, if they are friends of the female) allow them to live. He also knows that any parental figures (Blindseer) must be absent, but again, does not know they should probably be left intact. At least he picked a romantic spot to do his work: high above Sunakagure, on a dark night!

As for the courtship itself, Gaara has seemed to pick one of the oldest forms of courtship known to man: Bridenapping!

  • 1. Find a beautiful woman (Yua).
  • 2. In the middle of the night, while she is sleeping and wearing next to nothing, violently break into her house and steal her away to your secret hideout from which she has no chance of escaping!
  • 3. Wait for Stockholm Syndrome to kick in.

Of course, it isn't as simple as throwing her in a dungeon or high tower. No, no, you've got to make her your guest as much as she is your captive. Think Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Allow her to roam your fortress of solitude freely, provided that she must ask to enter your private chambers. Eat the same meals as her. Provide comfortable accommodations. Let her see your better side.

If I were to follow through on this scene, you'd be seeing the two at a desert oasis, too far from civilization to be worth leaving. Gaara would spill out the stories of his terrible past, causing Yua to pity him to some degree. After trading tales of childhood tragedies, Gaara would eventually confess that he thinks that he loves Yua. He can't really know because he doesn't know what love felt like. If he said it at the right time, Yua might even say that she does love him.

You know, I feel like putting a face here, but none of the faces available are.....manly enough. Except for the ninja guy, but he doesn't fit here. Couldn't we have a head like James Hetfield rocking out?

Damnit Adam! Get some new heads already!

Naruto Fan Art
blindseer, gaara, shingo, yua
3 votes thumb
1 member Favoritefavorite
Member Dedication
OC Friendship and/or Relationships
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