smartanimegirl (Fan Art Portfolio) IkexNade - The Next Alices...

IkexNade - The Next Alices...
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''In some place, was a dream
Who dreamed it, was unknown
Such a truly tiny dream it was
The little dream thought,
'I don't want to be vanishing like this.
How do I get people to watch me?'
The little dream thought and thought
And came up with something.
'If I get people to stray into me,
I'll let them make the world!'"

~Vocaloid - "Alice Human Sacrifice"

I can never stop listening to this song!!!!!! >D

It was really inspiring for this picture....because this picture was also based off a dream I had not too long ago.

In the dream, Ike-kun and I were just walking around in the woods and have come across a small town. The town turned out to be Wonderland and we just so happened to stumble into it.
But when we entered, it was more of Horrorland... Everyone in the town was...dead.
And let me just add that the people whom I found dead...was quite a shock. It was practically our FRIENDS and FAMILY at our feet....
I turned to Ike-kun in question and took note that he held a sword in his hand. He told me I, too, held one in my hand.
The creepy thing was that they were both covered in blood and I had a bad feeling about that..
So we both left the reddened town, leaving behind a reddened trail from the mess we've unknowingly created....

I woke up after that, because I knew well what happens to an Alice after they do something in the Wonderland...
Then again though it was creepy...I found it kinda interesting and started this picture.
I worked days on this really. Especailly with the lineart. I really need a tablet... >.<

Anyway, so this picture is based off my dream.
Ike-kun's an Alice of the Spade, I'm an Alice of the Heart.
And believe me, that's what we wore in my dream. I caught it quite accurately... O_o
Especially with the rose patterns on my dress...

...Somehow I wish I never got to wake up from that dream and just kept wandering the Wonderland... D:

Ike & Nadeshiko (c) smartanimegirl
Inspiration (c) a dream (Thank you Wonderland for letting me enter.)
Trees/Bushes and Rose Paterns (c) Celestial-Star

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
alice, alice human sacrfice, blood, heart, horrorland, ike, nadeshiko, spade, swords, wonderland
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