Tenrousei (Fan Art Portfolio) Loss 01

Loss 01
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This was done for my English project, and there is quite a bit of symbolism done in it. XD It therefore needs quite a lengthy explanation. I'm sorry!

This is C&P'd from the first place I posted it up.


First of all, the assignment was to create something that had to do with one of several themes, since we were reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel, which is about the Holocaust and his experience in the concentration camps.

The theme I chose to do was "Loss", and there are a lot of things in this picture that are symbolic. There would have been more symbolism if I hadn't gotten lazy. XD

So, the first picture is a girl standing with her back turned. It was originally supposed to be Feliks (Poland) from Hetalia, considering his history and the fact that the Poles were the ones who felt the brunt of Germany's imperialism and Final Solution, but I'm very lacking in confidence when it comes to drawing men and he doesn't have long hair anyway. XD

But anyway, in the first picture, the girl is wearing a red dress. No matter where you go, red is generally regarded as a colour of opulence, and while the dress is simple, you know that she really doesn't have that many worries. She isn't smiling, since we all tend to take the things we have for granted. Her hands are held to her mouth, in a supposedly fretful way.

In her hair, which is spread out along the canvas, there are clouds (which is a texture. XD), stars, and a moon, which symbolise dreams and hope. The buttons and flowers in there symbolise the simple things, and the things that we have in our lives that we just don't think twice about, like buttons, electricity etc.

The butterfly running along is another symbol of freedom and dreams, and the flowers at the bottom represent peace, whether inner or outer.

Comments and constructive criticism very much appreciated and welcome! =D


Textures by: ?


The second part is posted up [HERE!!]

Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
english project, loss, night, symbolism
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