If this is the first one you looked at, please see the first part [HERE!!]
In the second picture, we see a dramatic change. The most obvious thing about it is the fact that her hair has been sheared off. The girl is now no longer attached to her dreams, and all the belongings she had-- they're all gone now, thus the theme of loss.
The red dress has been replaced with a dull, grey, blood-stained rag. The grey dress symbolises the loss of one's belongings and whatever comfortable life they might have had before, while the red symbolises a loss of innocence, accented by the fact that she's actually wearing it on her own body.
Her hands are bound. She has no will of her own now, which is again a loss of freedom, dreams and hope. The butterfly, ribbon and field of flowers have been carelessly destroyed and they are blood stained as well. The flowers in her hair have been knocked out, and the petals crumble to the ground.
The girl cries with her eyes and mouth shut, unwilling to look at the reality or to acknowledge it with a single word.
On the other hand, I tried to make this less depressing, so the strands of hair that are floating towards her are almost trying to reach her again. Also, the fact that her hair is the main theme of this picture and it is the biggest part of the loss is symbolic as well. Hair grows, and with time, her dreams will probably come back as well.
Comments and constructive criticism welcome and appreciated! =D
Textures by: ?