icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) Love Me, Forgive Me

Love Me, Forgive Me
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High res. if you can't read the words! And if you STILL can't read for any reason at all, here's the dialogue~

(At the bottom, left to right)
Pit:You were always the one who understood,
the one who always comforted me in my sleep,
even if I was sounding harsh you still cared about me...until now. I never understood why you'd just smile even if I was being stupid...Roy, I'm so sorry for hurting you...

Roy:It was never your fault...Pit, I know you seem harsh and cold, but I know you're not really like that. You were never really mean, you only want love.
I know you didn't mean to yell at me like never meant it. I want to be the one to give you love. I want to give you as much love as I can...

(At the top)
Pit:I'm so sorry...
Roy:You need to know...
Roy& Pit:I love you
Pit:I need you...

Wasn't that amazing?
Person reading this:NO!

SILENCE! Anyway, what exactly happened between Roy and Pit, I don't know, make it up. Soo, I guess this could be considered RoyxPit, not sure. Well, Roy and Pit DID say, "I love you," so...not sure...

Haha, hey Akioh(moonlit dream), I'm telling you...the RoyxPit and IkexMarth WILL trample over the RoyxMarth and IkexPit everytime~ >:D

Yes, people, I love RoyxPit~♥
I do NOT care about the fact Roy's in Melee and Pit's in Brawl, I do NOT care about the fact that Roy is in Fire Emblem and Pit is in Kid Icarus, dude, if there are people who actually pair Snake up with Link(and no, I do not support SnakexLink, cuz I support SnakexSamus), then I'm sure I'm shameless enough to pair Roy up with Pit XD

A few weeks ago I kinda realized that there's something in common between IkexMarth and RoyxPit.

Ike and Marth=They're both good-looking blue-haired boys~ XD
Roy and Pit=To a certain extent, they've both had some short-lived spotlight...

I mean, Roy's been in Melee and FE 6, but after that, he BARELY has anymore spotlight(apparently Ike and Marth are now taking it all XD), and the only reason why Nintendo even BOTHERED putting Roy in Melee anyway was just advertisement for his FE game! D:

And as for Pit, I think we all know.
Kid Icarus was a VERY short-lived series, it only has two games!
Though Nintendo DID put him in Brawl and gave him a new look(is it just me or does he look a little like Sora now? O_o Probably the hair), still, Kid Icarus was short-lived.

Sooo, yeah...random babbling finished :D

Roy and Pit(c)Nintendo,Fire Emblem/Kid Icarus,SSBM/SSBB,Eachother, whatever XD
Art(c)Me, the (not-so)fabulous icefoxchan :D

Super Smash Bros Fan Art
pit, regret, roy, royxpit, sad
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1 member Favoritefavorite
moonlit dream
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