Haha! =D
This is my contest entry for "Class Is In Session" by myanimeworld149.
This is a boy-student character I made up for it...
Okay well...description time!
His name is Jamie, he is 16 years old, and is a second year.
(I think I put the right symbol for a second year ^^' sorry if I didn't!)
His hair is black and his eyes are a deep and light (confusing?) purplely-blue. XD
Hmm...he likes rock, classic rock, pop, and classical music. =D
He likes to play the piano, guitar (electric and acoustic), and the violin. (sp?)
His personality is that he is ALWAYS (or seems to be ^3^) Happy, easy-going, is quiet when he needs to be (usually in class), shy, and is nice...polite. =)
Lolz =3
I hope that's all what I was supposed to write about him, and I hope I followed all the rules, and drew the uniform correctly. ^^'
(I'M SO SORRY IF I DIDN'T! --especially after all those questions I asked you! ^^'
~Take Care!~