This is a picture for a very good friend of mine that I met this past school year, but sadly she is moving away!
Here's a message for her!:<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
This is for you, Amberleigh, one of my insanely awesome friends!
Thanks for being an amazing friend! I love you (as a friend
I can't say this enough, but I really will miss you!
(School won't be the same without you! <3)
Thanks for all the funny, serious, and awesomely fun times we had together and with others, I will cherish them always!
I will miss your laugh, and pretty much your presence!
I'm sure everyone else will too!
We will all miss you, Amberleigh!
(I'm literally crying right now...sorry! )
And so I dedicate you this picture! (Sorry...I wish I could do better... I'm sorry it looks like crap!)
But I do have something to say about this kissy-faced guy...he's CONFUSED! (Inside joke we share, if you see the movie 17 Again you may know what we are talking about! )
Haha! =D
I hope everything goes well for you when and to where you're moving!
Keep in touch! <3<3<3
~Take Care!~