Okay dunno where this came from. Just suddenly drew this and I know the facial proportions are...problematic in a sense. The collarbone's kinda off too, but I've shaded it already so I couldn't do anything by the time I stood up, took a good look, and cursed the flaw, well, yea, I could only keep cursing it. XD Well I always do that. At least for now and the few upcoming years to improve.
My perception of Rokudaime Naruto. O.O
Okay, the shading's totally screwed cuz I did it in a rush before homework, but I'm planning to colour it in photoshop soon enough. As long as I have the time to. Dunno how it'll turn out, but I'll be trying my best.
Gawd, I realized just how light my lines really were. They can't be seen clearly. I should outline or do some amateur inking next time.