red kie (Fan Art Portfolio) Season's Call

Season's Call
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lol iv been lissening to this song for a long time and just recently with the whole vamp ture going on ...and the fact that i have NOTHING TO LISEN TOO!! seriously any music sugjestions i dont care what genre it is[perferably rock] ill be happy with!!! help me!!!
iv been lissening to seson's call bye hyed
i love it there is just so much pashion in the way he sings it!!!
well orijinaly the drawing had nothing to do with the song considering the fact that i drew this months before i considered giving it this name and felt like submitting an art workim so bored
well anyway if you look at my signiture thats where it is from, from that song
Season's Call
hope you guys like
i actualy kinda feel like i craped out on a few things like kie's arms [cause orijinaly this was just a head drawing that i messed up on and latter whent back and redid the whole thing when i felt like it]
the two littel ponytails apart form the two long ones you cant realy see on taktun makes him look like a native american ...[wich story wise he is more designed with the asian style]

i lerened something very important with this though
dont ever ever erase pencil if you wrote on crayon...taktun's face is in crayon curtisy of me and my loosing stuff

media: color pencils,crayon,highlighter,pencils and pen

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
kie, sing, taktun
12 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
Tsukiyo-kun Mercury Dragon XCandyLuverX LoveKouichi saki 1234
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