Dedicated to gokusangel20 who make this challenge ^^
okay, first thing first~~
This is totally make me insane.. @.@
First, I got some ideas / scenarios but those made me freaking out coz I couldn't imagine Hiruma doing that!!, but finally I can drew it. ^^
Second, I only have one drawing pen. . . My lovely and my only drawing pen with 0.1 mm width XP
Third, I made a BIG mistake in outlining the picture and again a HUGE mistake when I used correction pen to repair it!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my first colored drawing so I don't know what I have to do when I want to erase the wrong drawing pen outline.
Fourth, I can't use a scanner so I asked someone to scan it, and when I go home to edit something I realized that the scan is broken at the right side! I mean there's a single vertical fracture (I don't know the right word, sorry..) at the right side, maybe he didn't scan it properly.. So I had to cut the right part
Well, that's an experience, and practice makes perfect also ^^
Any hugs, favs, and comments are highly appreciated!
And btw, I want to ask something..
1. Using correction pen is a HUGE mistake. So what should use I when I want to erase the wrong pen outline?
2. Drawing pen is very expensive (for me), but I want to buy some drawing pen. Any thought which width I should buy? (not all please, just some width ^^)
Please forgive my bad grammar..
I just wrote this and didn't do any re-check