ched (Fan Art Portfolio) Gone Too Soon

Gone Too Soon
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Still, I have denial in myself. I really can't accept the truth that he has gone. Gone too soon. He's my music and dance influence. I grew up in his music of the 90's. I'm gonna miss him. He's a big loss in the music industry and the world of music can never be the same without him.
Maybe, he has done mistakes in his life, but he's just a human like us who wishes for a peaceful life.
But I'm happy, somehow, Because now, no one can hurt him anymore, in heaven.
Long live the King of Pop.
He deserve the throne.
Good bye.
Rest in peace.

Also, thanks to Mariel, who has already published a fan art tribute to the King of Pop. Thanks so much for creating that wonderful obra maestra.

<MJ Lover's & Hater's comments are welcome> (^_^?

Trivia: Michael Jackson is an otaku too. He love Walt Disney characters, as well as anime and manga, and video games too. He was once caught by a paparazzi holding a manga comic book in a book store, and anime is also evident in the music video, "Scream" with his sister Janet Jackson. (^_^?

This song was also performed by Usher in MJ's memorial! So heartbreaking! there's a version too, a duet of Babyface & Stevie Wonder! It's a beatiful song, I swear! (^_^?

Michael Jackson Fan Art
angel, ched, fan, gone too soon, king of pop, michael jackson
45 votes thumb
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