HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!! C:
My neighborhood fails, I don't see ANYONE put up the U.S. flag besides one of our next door neighbors and us. OTL
Sorry if the BANG is hard to read ^^; I was too late to fix it >_> I messed up one of her arms too lol OTL
I'M SO HAPPY HOW THE GUN CAME OUT THO<333 C8 I usually fail at guns XDD I designed it myself and no reference, wuzzah!! XD *shot*
I chose Rumeidia 'cuz she has red and blue hair. :D
And sorry for spamming art everyday you guys, there's just so much going on @__@; I'm gonna take an art break for a few days so don't fret. XD
Rumeidia © icefoxchan
Background [link]
- pen, RoseArt (for the hair), PRISMACOLOR pencils (overall coloring), OpenCanvas 1.1 (skin) PhotoStudio 5.5 (effects and font)