Haha! =D
This is a picture I drew back in 2008 of a neko-boy kid, but I recolored the hair and eyes, and added some shines, and a background-blur (O_o?), and also some borders and a butterfly...^_^ (That seemed like a mouthful! XD)
Umm...(to me) he looks (cute? ^^')--or is supposed to look...^^"--kind of sad, nervous, shy, er...a bit hesitant...I'm not really sure...what do ya'll think?
Anyway, I was thinking about using him in something...but I never did--that I remember--hmm...I was also thinking about ethier naming him purple...or Jasper...X3 (Almost completely different names, eh? Lolz)
Anyway, umm....enjoy? ^^
(((Oh, and I apologize for how small it it! Sorry!)))
~Take Care!~