I can just imagine the conversation leading to this picture.
Gigi - Kind, you adorable ol' blueberry, come over here and take a picture with me!
Kind - Heck no! And who are you callin blueberry? You're the FRUIT, not me!!!
Gigi - Come on Kind!!! I'll set Rauch on you with a baseball bat if you donnnnnn't
Kind - Fine one lil picture *mumblemumble*
Kind - I said I'd take a picture, that doesn't involve PUTTING YOUR ARM AROUND ME! GET YOUR HAND OFF OF ME!
Gigi - Make me! *big - smile*
Kind - Go AWAY!
Lol!!!My Character Gigi and Ryuchu's character Kind (pronounced K-Inn-d). A very large and dominant part of me thinks Kind would hate Gigi.....bitterly. And Gigi would not get a clue, he'd still think Kind was his friend XD.
~ Ferdie-chan