Ice was bored and felt like procrastinating on the pics/TGL manga pages she SHOULD be doing, sooo...
I just started a whole set with all the characters in Project Fantasy(MANGA PROJECT STARTED BY THE FANTABULOUS UNKNOWNRUMORS AKA KIROOO~♥)making a rainbow :D
Well, there aren't any OCs in the project that could be the orange or yellow in the group, so the rainbow is actually going BACKWARDS(red,pink,purple,etc...), and at the end the ones who are pretty much colors like black or grey(Rei and Noah, for examples)will show up, cuz they don't deserve to be left out :D
Soo, from top to bottom we got Aranane,Riiya and Naomi(DEN-CHAN,I'M SORRY FOR MAKING NAOMI LOOK SO BAD D':)
Dedicated to Sayura-chan AND Den-chan cuz of Riiya and Naomi XD
Aranane&the pic(c)Me, the(not-so)fabulous icefoxchan