sailorXena (Fan Art Portfolio) WATERMELON!

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Watermelon? i don't know what your talking about, i mean, it's not like the whole thing is green and red and there's a watermelon slice right there, lol
~All done in photoshop~

Name: Tenko (it means angel)
Age: 16
Birthday: January 5th
Weight: 112
Height: 5"3'
Favorite Food(s): Watermelon(duh), Cake
Least Favorite Food(s): Any Meats (she's a vegi-tarian), Limes
Fear(s): Bugs(except ladybugs, caterpillars, and butterflies), heights, and the dark
Favorite Color(s): Pink, red, green, black, and white

History: Tenko's Parent's got divorced after her younger brother, Henry, was born, she was 7 at the time. Both children lived with their mother who had moved in with her mother(Tenko's grandmother). 5 years after the divorce, her mother marries another man, and Tenko decides to move in with her father. When she was 14, her father got a promotion, but had to move to another state, and so she and her father moved to Massachusetts, which is where her father's sister(Tenko's aunt) lived. She started her freshman year in high school not knowing anyone at all. She slowly started making friends, and ended the school year crushing on one of her new friends, Hikaru(which means light). By the beginning 10th grade, she and Hikaru were offically going out.

Personality: She is shy when it comes to being social, and blushes a lot, but she's a very outgoing person once you get to know her. She likes daydreaming a lot, so she's a bit spacey. She's a little clutzy.

P.S. Tenko loves Hikaru very much (translation, I love my boyfriend, Adam, a lot)
i swear, some of this was so not based on me

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
fruit, tenko, watermelon
3 votes thumb
1 member Favoritefavorite
Member Dedication
Fruit Salad
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