Yay, this is my first time drawing a realism picture without a reference! Well... it's one of the better ones anyway. XD it's Kakashi without his mask o.o I tried to reaaally imagine what he'd look like.
And tried to get into character. Like listening to country music for the first time. XD I don't know, Kakashi seems like a classic rock/country music fan. He also seems like a guy who has an eclectic mix of music, maybe he likes to listen to Celine Dion or Cannibal Corpse once in a while. I don't know lol! At least it kind of helped O.o;; I always listen to a certain type of music when drawing a character, any genre that seems to fit them well (like Itachi might like industrial rock. And Gaara heavy metal. And Ryuk new wave. XD) OK OK I know, I'm a bit odd, but who isn't? Down with normal!
OK I'll stop now XD
oh and don't mind the little dirty spot on the pic, it's from the scanner.