Go here for less blurriness: http://rainedrops18.deviantart.com/art/APH-Asian-Chibis-130489293
Asian chibis for UltimateNejiFanG's challenge. (Well, most of them.) Prolly not gonna win but whatever, it was fun XD
Yao: Why am I not in this, aru?! D= I'm the king!
(well, so to speak, he would be 'king', right? XD)
Yong Soo: Aniki, did you know? Kings originated in Korea! Da ze!
Kiku: ...That's wrong...
-Have no idea about the rest of their personalities or what they would say-
(Korea's one of my favorites, too bad he didn't make it into the anime, government complaints, blah blah, but his character design looked pretty cool http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4/47863-korea_super.png Though his eyes seem kinda...hypnotized?)
...I LOVE YOU NINI. ;_; But I gave up after like messing up his hair five times. (Was drawing in my room at night and no reference. Wouldn't have helped that much XD) And plus...he would've made it an uneven 7 -Is weird and OCD that way- >_>; Though, it's not like I only left China out, I didn't draw Mongolia (yes, there IS a Mongolia, saw a sketch of him but dun remember what he looks like now) or Tibet either. Never drew anyone bald before, that'd prolly look really strange 0.o;
Anyways, it's Japan, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam (lol my country), Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Their clothes are a bit off >_>; Sorry. And forgot to draw Wan-chan's flower so added it in photoshop last minute. Looks weird. XD There haven't been any official strips with them though alot of people color Viet and Wan's clothing green and pink so gave them those colors. Thai-kun's outfit, I'm not sure but alot of people just give him a white shirt so yeah. Other pics I've seen of him, he kinda just looks like Korea 'cept with spikier hair and glasses. Or an Asian version of Austria.. His hair looks too big/poofy to me. Still suck at drawing spiky hair. XP
PS-I have my own challenge up too, though not many entries. http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/challenges/view/136/around_the_world-hetalia!/ [/self-advertising] XD
Ok, I'm done talking XD ^^;