fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) MS - RegionRivalShipping/BrunetteShipping

MS - RegionRivalShipping/BrunetteShipping
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One disclaimer...THE GIRL IS NOT MAY AND SHE IS ALSO NOT GREEN[I call Blue Green since that's her American name] ThankQ =] I doubt any of you though about May or Green anyways XDD I doubt you would know the guy either XDD

That happens to be Jayleen "Mimi" Moore. My Pokemon OC :D I changed Mimi's first name to Jayleen to fit with her twin brothers name Jaden. And Jayleen is May's cousin so I made their bangs somewhat similar with the parts at the sides buldging[sp?] a little.

Another note: I made Jay waaaaay before I knew May, so Jay's love of fire and fighting Pokemon and Blaziken definitely did not come from May. It came strickly from me. All close to me should know I'm a little pyromaniac and that I'm also not to shabby at fighting. Plus: look at my username for Christ's sake XDD fire.freak XDD

So here is Jayleen and Gary and MS Paint :'D It actually wasn't suppose to turn out like this. I was using the paint can and it turned like this so I was like "WHAT THE-? Heyyy. This is kinda cool~ :D" And thus, yesh. This is one of the outcomes [Yes, one. As in, there's more X3 The 'more' look pretty bad though. I'd rather show the hand-drawn version X3]

First Turnout Here :D

RegionRivalShipping/BrunetteShipping~! Brought to you by, Muah :] You're favorite little M&M X3 *shot*

Jayleen "Mimi" Moore + Art (c) Me[fire.freak]
Gary Oak + Pokemon (c) Satoshi Tajiri

Dedicated to several people: Sayura, Takara, Akioh, Rachel, Dommi, Magi-chan, Denden[Den-chan XD], and Mash-chan~ Because you're all so super supportive and super kyoot!! :>

I'm giving Takara the bonus though^u^

*OMG, the shortest footnotes fire.freak has ever written O: shot*

Pokemon Fan Art
fire.freak, gary, gary oak, jayleen, jayleen moore, love, mimi, moore, pokemon, regionrivalshipping
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