Kitty K.O. (Fan Art Portfolio) Character Sketch: Sai

Character Sketch: Sai
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And of course, you can't forget Sai... To be honest, he probably ranks last out of the three of them on being fun to draw. However, while drawing this (namely the top right head) I kinda fell in love with Sai a little. =^_^= How could I not. He's pretty loveable. I also wanted to do one sketch of him without his glasses. He's kinda adorable that way once I can nail the look down... You know those characters that don't seem the same once they take off a major accessory? Like a hat or glasses? Sai's sorta like that. =^_^;= It'll take a while before he can be Sai, glasses or no... *raspberries* Who out there is a fan of Sai? =o.o=

For all three character sketches (Miu, Rei & Sai), I halfway abandoned the frame technique I usually use and they look more human that way... I've figured that out by looking at artwork where it has no obvious structure, but still looks like the characters are kinda soft and fleshy... When I thought back on some of my drawings, they seemed to get more flat and square after adopting the frame method... Which means I may be doing it wrong... I think I can make adjustments now that I've made an effort to actually examine it rather than looking and saying "That looks terrible, but there's nothing I can do now..." I think if I do it half frame, half gut-feeling, I could come up with something that looks human (or animal) and still has some structure to it. =^_^= A learning experience, I suppose. I'm still a ways away from giving tutorials, as I'm learning, but quickly enough. =P

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
kitty days, kitty k.o., sai, sketch
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4 members Favoritefavorite
NejixWrathLover Lament Bluesen EmoVampireRiska
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