I,myself (Fan Art Portfolio) random tov/toa plus whatever

random tov/toa plus whatever
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Really random junk, because I'm a Senior Otaku now! No more "Declined" messages when I haven't even submitted anything.
I put this under Tales because that's most of it. Sorry to disapoint all you Tales subscribers. Well, when we started I thought Yuri looked alot like Tear. Sorry, Yuri's got a Barbie figure. He just does. Also, we were trying to figure out which games are set when. We figure it goes, Abyss-Vesperia-Symphonia. There were reasons, we had it all logically reasoned out with data to back us up, but I can't remember any of it. My sister left for a year and a half, so we haven't played Tales in a while (we always play 4-player). So we were trying to figure out who's decended from who (whome?). But we couldn't find anything for Judy, and since we don't like her, and Jade's not got much to do after all the fonons are gone and he has a knack for creating/destroying life (hehehe) he took to a kind of Frankenstein road and created Krityans. Oh, yah. And Yuri kills people. (Can you say "Spycho"?)
Kanda a dumb doodle wile I was really tired. Kamui, just because. I haven't even read D. Gray-man, but my siblings have. And the eyballs were me trying to figure out how to color. All with colored pencil. I like how the first two came out, but I'm not sure I could do it again. :(
They were all on different pieces of paper, so I just pasted them together on MS paint. Why they're all Jpeg garbled.

Tales of (Series) Fan Art
abyss, color, d. gray-man, doodle, estelle, eye, eyeball, i, jade, judith, kamui, kanda, luke, myself, random, tales of, tear, vesperia, yuri
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