mariozeldakirby (Fan Art Portfolio) Window to the World of Believe

Window to the World of Believe
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These are my characters Araic Elokin (air-ee-iss)
and Zachary Moon

Araic (is a character based off of me, a.k.a. Ciara spelled backwards)
Zachary ( my boyfriend, Morgan's middle name :D) His shirt says I <3 RANDOM

Morgan doesn't have glasses in real life, but I do, so I switched it so he has them in my story and I don't xD

They are from my 8th manga Window to the World of Believe

It's about a geeky/pervy boy (Zachary) who is tired of the same old same old at high school. He has never had a girlfriend, and he is not interested in any girl there, all the girls are too immature and "do bad, stupid things" at his school. and he has a pet squirrel named Kupo! :D

All he has ever wanted was..

to love and marry an elf girl.

He is IN LOVE with anime and manga and video games, and loves fantasy.
He's a big daydreamer and he even has a "conscience" (like the little angel and devil that sit on each side of your shoulders and tell you right from wrong XD) but his 2 consciences are Double Maximus (angel) and Devil Maximus (devil ahha)

Zachary doesn't even bother to tell his few friends or parents that he can see these creatures, cause he knows that they won't believe him. No one ever believes him, especially when he tells his friends that he will find his true love somewhere, and she will be an elf.

Day after day he dreams of the same elf. Long blonde hair, an average figure (nothing too skinny he says), with a kind heart that is full of love and compassion...

One night..he was sad and in deep thought.. he was so upset that no one believes that there are elves and other creatures in this he lay on his bed. Tears stream down his cheeks and he whispers to himself.. "I don't care what all these people say...I know you're out there and I know you're waiting to find me as I you. I know you exist. I know your love. It's as strong as mine, and I plan to share it with you. Someday I can tell you this in person.....I love you." then he took one last glimpse at the moon through his window, and fell asleep.

Zachary then awakes, and what he sees...he can't believe his eyes!!!

: D


I'm not gonna spoil anything so that's all I shall say about this manga *giggles* ^^

there are many characters in this manga too, one of the villans or bad guys of the story is based off of Gackt! HAHAHAAHAHA xD

In my story, Gackt is a worlock consumed with greed and envy (LOL)

I can't wait to get that published as well! ^ 3 ^

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
araic, double maximus, elf, mariozeldakirby, window to the world of believe, zachary
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