coolness000 (Fan Art Portfolio) Kisame Hoshigaki The Ox Demon

Kisame Hoshigaki The Ox Demon
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This is the first thing I drew when I got my new sketch pad. He's not colored yet, but I'm planing on doing that soon.
When I was thinking of something to draw a conversation with my friend popped into my head. It had been about creating Naruto characters. He had made a character that held the 8-tailed wolf. This in a way annoyed me since my favorite animal is a wolf and I couldn't decide on what to do. I originally created Nero the 5-tailed phoenix. I knew nothing much of Naruto except for the fact that the main character is a ninja. So I posted Nero's head on, this was when I was still learning how to draw. As time went on my skills at drawing have also increased and so has my knowledge of Naruto... To a point. (Now back to the main point of why I'm writing this), so I decided to make a Naruto character that was fresh and new. I pondered on the fact if I should still make a 5-tailed something, then the fact hit me that Naruto already has made all of the tailed beasts... (Cries on the inside) now I was back to square one. It took me a while and some research to finally decide on who I was going to make, and why they were so powerful.
A boy who has an Ox Demon spirit sealed inside his body as a baby. It was so original (I died a little on the inside and had to think this through) I knew he was going to be either 17 or 18 and be insanely strong. He was also supposed to be buff and rely more on fists than actual ninja stuff. Once I drew the character (after much research on how Naruto characters look... or tried to) I discovered that this character needed a name... Knowing myself and how awful I am with names, I did the one thing any sensible anime fan would do... I turned to the internet for help. Luckily I found a name that fit him perfectly... or at least sounded cool.

Kisame Hoshigaki

Age: 18

Background: (Still working on it) I want to say that I really want to make his background cool and not the usual Naruto story.

Personality: Kisame is a rather quiet guy. He's really patient, but easy to anger. If the guy likes you, he lets you know. If he hates you, he'll also let you know. He can sometimes be hard headed and stubborn when it comes to decisions.

Fighting Style:
As I said before, I still know little about Naruto so I don't know all the fancy fighting language. All I know is that Kisame prefers to fight with his fists. He will occasionally use a thunder based attack. Kisame also has the power of the Ox Demon stored inside his body. He can use that power, but it slowly transforms him into the Ox Demon, which is visible as he goes up in power levels. (A picture of Kisame's full power mode will be posted) If Kisame was ever to go 100% Ox demon he would take on the form and lose control. Staying in the full powered Ox Demon also causes Kisame to slowly die. Kisame has only gone full power once in his entire life, (I'll figure out why he went full power once I write the Fan Fiction. Plus I needed something to draw)

That's I can really say about this piece. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to give constructive criticism.

Naruto Fan Art
character, demon, fan, human, oc, ox, zodiac
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