....umm this was a chat room inspired picture
okay so koba said he had black hair and i'm like "whhattt!!"(cause i imagined koba to look like that up there...so i told him i'd draw him as how i imagined him
and if your in the chat room at the time...you'll under stand the dress comment XD
yeah and my hair is red for those of you who don't read my bloggiez
and it wasn't a mistake i do have the back of my hair red and the roots are starting to grow out so i have alittle bit of black at the top XD.
okay so i did this with my handy dandy *is shot for saying that*
micrco pens that for some reason ARE DIEING!!! NUUU!!
and my new box of Crayola(it's a good brand i tellz ya!!)
my prismacolor, watercolor colorpencils.
and i haz an announcement
I MADE THE HANDS RIGHT, HAHAH (feel free to tell if i didn't XD cause i like that)
and you have all seen what i'm gonna wear to school on the first day. maybe with a second necklace....*naruto is trying to show the school that the nerd had a great summer and knock people out with her style and looks XD*
PS. this was done during a storm HAHA naruto ain't scared of em anymore!!! *lighting strikes something outside* *NARUTO SCREAMS* AHHH!!!!*HIDES UNDER HER BED* XD
well hug and comment please