Fake screenie featuring my two lovebirds, Chiella and Adam, if it was a film. Not an anime film, just an animated film, if I could be so bold. I can only imagine The Cartographer as either that or a comic.
Really bad, I know, but it's all I could muster up with my energy. It's actually an old picture that I just drew over. I wanted to draw, but I'm so tired that I'm making so many typos when I type it's like a baboon has been let loose on my keyboard. Luckily, there's the backspace key. Inspired by that My Own Anime challenge, which I don't think I'll enter, because this is bad enough anyway....
Words cannot describe how much these two love each other. If I ever start drawing the comic, I'll do my best to try.
Photoshop CS4
2 hours.
I'm Yours by The Script.