"...Golden yellow for the true friends
Lots of petals for how many times they've thought about you
[That day]
And a circle in the middle
They'll forever rotate in your heart"
Corny, I know XD
*dodges knives being thrown by Sasuke fangirls* Not SasuAra! Not a couple pairing! Geez! Just showing they're type of friendship before Sasuke became all angst and full of anger etc etc.
Something's wrong with that one Sunflower...it's way too big lol.
Annnnnyways, I took this with my phone's camera X3 Not the best, but it's something. Then I played around with it's settings. Hence, it looks like a cave painting lol XD Doesn't it look something like a cave painting or very old picture from ancient times showing some type of peace treaty? Lol^u^
I might submit the original with a scanner later on. Maaaybe.
Arai Takameshi (c) Me[fire.freak(theO)/fire-freak94(dA)]
Sasuke + NARUTO (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Dedicated to Sayura-nee, Takara and Akioh! I love you guys!! You're all close to me like sisters. Thank you, lovelies, so very much!^u^